马来西亚小伙的长沙“甜蜜”事业 | 长沙老外不见外




"I want to be a promoter for Changsha."



Profile of Changsha Expats





SOW SEAN DEE, Malaysian

Chinese name: Su Shengdi

Identity: International student at Changsha Social Work College

Residency duration in Changsha: Two years

苏胜地希望能实现在长沙创业的梦想。长沙晚报全媒体记者 唐子路 摄


At the Smart Maker Association of Changsha Social Work College, Su Shengdi from Malaysia is creating 3D models by computer for his team's startup project - the design of a digital technological beehive. Having studied in Changsha for two years, he not only falls in love with the city but is also on the verge of realizing his beekeeping dream.


Not long ago, the digital technological beehive captured the attention of more than 30 African friends from South Sudan as they engaged in learning the techniques of beekeeping, honey processing in Guoyuan Town, Changsha County. Su Shengdi served as the promoter that day, and after his introduction, many of the African friends expressed interest in purchasing the product.


Su Shengdi said that he planned to bring the advanced technology he acquired in Changsha back to his hometown, infusing local agriculture with the power of technology.



Being a promoter for Sweet Business


"The temperature inside the hive today is 29 degrees Celsius with a humidity level of 66%. The honey collection amount has reached 0.1 kilograms, and there are no abnormalities..." Nowadays, there is no need to go outdoors and get exposed to the sun, nor is it necessary to open the beehive for inspection. Simply listening to the voice broadcast gives you a clear understanding of the beekeeping environment.


The integration of digitalization with traditional beekeeping has driven new developments in specialty agriculture. The beekeeping business has not only provided farmers with more benefits, but also presented a promising prospect of entrepreneurship for Su Shengdi and Liao Jiao from Changsha Social Work College.


Liao Jiao is the team leader of the digital technological beehive project. In her view, digital beekeeping should free up people’s hands at first and second be easy to use, so that the experience accumulated by beekeepers can be transformed into visualized data, making beekeeping more efficient. "Su not only boasts an international background but also exudes a sweet smile and a heartwarming communication style, which is particularly appropriate for the beekeeping industry. He is our promoter for this sweet project," Liao Jiao remarks.


At present, the digital technological beehive has not only been piloted in places, like Hunan and Henan province, but has also attracted interests from beekeeping practitioners from South Sudan, Panama, and other countries. "Next, I plan to promote this project in a better and more professional manner," noted Su Shengdi. According to Liao Jiao, the project team intend to adopt a "company + cooperative + beekeepers" operational model, planning to establish multiple cooperatives across the country to encourage local beekeepers to participate in digital beekeeping. At the same time, these cooperatives will serve as "interface location" to handle after-sales issues related to the use of the beehives in the future.


In addition to beekeeping, Su Shengdi has also engaged in a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) wellness robot project at school. After overcoming numerous challenges, Su Shengdi and his teammates accomplished the flexible motion control of the robot and ultimately secured the first prize at the China International College Students’ Innovation Competition. "When I was a child, I was fascinated by TCM when watching TCM doctors feel the pulse for diagnosis," Su Shengdi said. When he learned that he could use the power of technology to spread knowledge about TCM, he immediately decided to join the project.


"I am privileged to study in Changsha. This study abroad has benefited me greatly. Not only have I learned cutting-edge technology, but more importantly, I have profoundly felt the ardour and friendliness of the Chinese people," Su Shengdi says. As the only international student on the team, Su Shengdi did not feel any different from the others. "We study and work together, and everyone always is ready to help me solve any problems we encounter."


Recommending Changsha to Malaysian


Enjoy authentic cuisine in Yangfan Night Market, snap a photo at Aiwan Pavilion and Orange Island as a tourist, and appreciate the profound history of Nanxuan Academy... With the comprehensive exploration of Changsha over the past two years, Su Shengdi describes Changsha as an open, Internet-famous, and cutting-edge city.



What impresses Su Shengdi most is the "China speed." He has traveled by high-speed rail three times, visiting provinces such as Anhui and Shaanxi. "It's so fast and incredibly convenient!" What he finds "fast" is not just the high-speed rail but also the construction speed of the school's comprehensive building. "All of these demonstrate the strength of Changsha, of China."


"My classmates and teachers have done everything they can to help me." Su Shengdi chooses to repay the warmth and kindness through action. During his time at school, he has volunteered multiple times at nursing homes and the Changsha Railway Station, contributing his efforts to those in need.



His most memorable experience was helping an elderly passenger at Changsha Railway Station. "The grandfather spoke in Changsha dialect, and although we couldn’t understand each other’s language, I could see from his expression that he was thanking me." Repeated deep involvement has gradually brought him closer to this city.


"I want to be a promoter for both the project and Changsha. I like eating spicy stir-fried pork and I am passionate about Changsha. I want to recommend Changsha to the folks from my hometown." Su Shengdi emphasizes that more of his relatives and friends have come to China and Changsha for tourism and development, "All these indicate that Changsha's global appeal is increasingly prominent."


In recent years, the allure of Changsha has been steadily increasing, leading to a gradual rise in the number of international students across various educational institutions. A representative from Changsha Social Work College introduced that the school had successfully enrolled a total of 189 international students from Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, and Pakistan from 2018 to 2024.


In recent years, Changsha has established entrepreneurship investment funds for university students and young people, and launched innovation and entrepreneurship service platforms, providing venues and supporting organizations for talents, which has created a strong magnetic field attracting young entrepreneurs. More startup projects like Digital Technology Hive can achieve success with the support of policies; more young people like Su Shengdi can find their goals and continuously strive, making this city even more vibrant.

【Author:饶丽,黄慧莹,唐子路,李苏璇】 【Editor:李苏璇】